I’ve been let go! You can’t fire me without a reason. Let’s roll, we’re out! Enough chatter. I guided you, imparted all my knowledge. Fine. No need for abandonment here. Hold on, is that a clip of Blueface back at home with Jaden Alexis after that marathon argument where Jaden labeled Blueface a narcissist, a fibber, and a peculiar soul for reuniting with Christian rock? So, does this mean Blueface has parted ways with Rock once more, mere days after rekindling? Ha! These folks never cease, do they? Just recently, Krishan disclosed she’s expecting Blue’s child, yet Blueface promptly disowned any paternity, asserting, “Rock’s had liaisons with ten different men this past year. Until a DNA test confirms it, the child’s not mine,” he further posted. “I get it, you all assumed she was solely mine. So did I, LOL. But let’s face facts. Being the mother of my child would be a privilege.” What’s more distressing is Blueface’s encouragement for Christian to terminate the pregnancy in leaked texts between him and Quashawn. He spoke of perpetual infidelity and suggested a baby would only bind Krishan to him, hence she’d be better off without the pregnancy.
After a paternity test confirmed Blueface as the father, he reluctantly accepted responsibility, albeit not without the usual drama. Rumors swirled that Jaden was displeased when Krishan became pregnant, as she enjoyed the status of being Blueface’s sole baby mama, positioning herself as the primary woman in his life. Allegedly, she pressured Blueface to persuade Krishan to terminate the pregnancy to maintain her exclusive status. Amidst this turmoil, Krishan poured her heart out to her Instagram followers, declaring her definitive separation from Blueface. She accused him of both physical and emotional harm, although she admitted to neglecting her own well-being by turning a blind eye to his misbehavior, excessive alcohol consumption, and mental health neglect. She also clarified that her unconventional hairstyle stemmed from Blueface allegedly ripping out her braids during a brawl, not from a fashion choice.

Both Blueface and Jaden responded to these accusations, deflecting blame and asserting that they were not the instigators of physical altercations. Krishan went as far as deliberately not inviting Blueface to witness the birth of their child, emphasizing her need for genuine love and setting boundaries. While Krishan was giving birth, Blueface and Jaden were enjoying themselves at a Miami nightclub, with Blueface even tweeting about Jaden being the “prize.” Despite this, Blueface expressed loyalty to Jaden, highlighting her steadfastness over the years and her role as the mother of his two children. The situation appeared to signal the end of Blueface’s relationship with Krishan.
Despite all the chaos, Kreshawn seems to remain in the dark regarding the path of righteousness, as they’ve reunited once again. Initially, Rock took to Instagram, sharing a photo of her son, Krishan Rock Jr., alongside Blueface, captioning it as ‘Daddy and I.’ Subsequently, a video circulated showing Rock signing a piece of paper bearing the words ‘MILF music forever,’ hinting at her joining Blueface’s label. Not stopping there, Quashawn, Blueface, and their child, Krishan Jr., collaborated on a music video titled ‘Baby Mama Drama.’ Just when it seemed things couldn’t spiral further, Christian resurfaced on social media, expressing sentiments like, ‘Despite finding peace and ensuring my son’s well-being, both Blue and I, deeply in love, have inadvertently hurt each other due to toxic behavior.’ Today, waking up, I realize I’m not ensnared in toxicity; I’m a mother, and my child’s father needs to evolve as I did, for Jaden’s sake.’ In response to a follower’s comment insinuating Blueface’s exploitation, Rock asserted, ‘No one’s exploiting anyone; we’re family, plain and simple.’ Yet, let’s not forget, this is the same man who openly declared Krishan as a mere side piece, and admitted to being stuck in the relationship solely because of their child. ‘Yes, I’m stuck, undeniably stuck. You’re not grappling with it, I know. Bound by a child, farewell.’
Clearly, Jaden witnessed all of this unfolding, prompting her to vent her frustrations on Twitter in what can only be described as an epic rant of monumental proportions. Among the myriad of grievances she aired, Jaden expressed disbelief at her new manager’s actions, questioned who was looking after their child, and labeled someone as a deadbeat. She drew a clear distinction between the leisurely activities of shooting music videos or being in the studio for enjoyment and the pursuit of clout. Furthermore, she didn’t hold back in her assessment of her child’s father, branding him a narcissist, a liar, and simply bizarre. She even contrasted her own industriousness, recounting her struggles of working two jobs and walking to work while he supposedly idled away selling weed at her mother’s residence. The situation was a spectacle, exacerbated by the poor grammar evident in Jaden’s diatribe.

In response, Blueface didn’t stay silent. He retaliated, asserting his unwavering support for Jaden and lamenting her apparent lack of reciprocal support. He recounted how he had cared for her during their humble beginnings when he was nobody, highlighting the demoralizing effect of her doubt and how it fueled his determination to succeed. He conveyed a sense of betrayal, describing how newfound admirers seemed to believe in him more than someone he had known for the majority of his life. Denying accusations of neglect, Blueface defended his actions, emphasizing that he had provided for his family by signing his baby mamas.
In response, Jaden responded by sarcastically retweeting several posts where Blueface professed his affection for her. She then expressed her desire for happiness and to move on from Blueface, stating, “I tried to forgive but never forget. He never treated me right, and I deserve to find happiness and love. I gave you everything I had, but you couldn’t step up. It’s okay, I understand. I wish you all the best and ask to be set free.” Just when the dust seemed to settle, Blueface broke up with Krishan again and returned to Miss Jaden. The way Blueface is juggling these two women is insane, but what’s worse is their tolerance of it. People aren’t surprised anymore. Blueface saw the attention the drama was getting and smartly reconciled with Rashaan, even featuring her and the baby in a music video, only to revert back to Jaden once the hype died down. And trust me, Krishan is furious about it. She’s tweeted, “The best I can do is fix what I messed up. Stand up, Rock. You know this.” But Krishan, maybe it’s time to consider moving in with the baby to Jaden and Blue’s house and embracing the messy family dynamic, because this situation seems beyond repair. What are your thoughts? Are you fed up with the constant back and forth? Why do you think Rock and Jaden keep returning to Blue? Share your opinions in the comments below. Foreign, foreign.”