“Publicly shamed me. Kept asking, ‘How in the world did you let that happen?’ It feels like history repeating itself with Kevin Hart, folks. But perhaps the real question is: did he ever really stop betraying ano? And is ano finally fed up this time? Remember the initial scandal with the first child, right? That Vegas incident? Now these new controversies, it’s like another day, another scandal. And she’s expecting again, isn’t she? Alright, we all know how well-connected Hollywood assistants can be, and Kevin Hart’s former assistant, Maisha Shakes, has decided to spill the tea. Kevin’s firing back with a lawsuit against Tasha K and Maisha for airing the interview. But what exactly did Maisha reveal? And more importantly, how is ano reacting to her husband’s exposure? Is this finally the breaking point for ano? Will she walk away from Kevin Hart for good?”
You’ve probably caught wind of Tasha K’s recent interview with Kevin Hart’s ex-assistant, right? Well, let me tell you, the revelations she made about Kevin were absolutely jaw-dropping! The title alone hinted at the bombshell to come: ‘Kevin Hart’s former assistant spills the tea: Gambling addiction, serial infidelity, paying millions to cover DUI charges, and framing lifelong best friend in extortion plot.’ Oh yes, it was a doozy! The ex-assistant delved deep into the nitty-gritty details. And you know what’s really intriguing? Why she chose to reach out to Tasha in the first place. According to Maisha, she felt it was crucial for Hollywood to hear her side, especially when so many people are bound by nondisclosure agreements, leaving them unable to defend themselves. She raised an important question: Where’s the protection for those who work tirelessly behind the scenes?

Following that, Maisha delved into Kevin’s infidelity towards ano with multiple women, spanning their entire relationship. These instances of cheating are not unfamiliar. For those who recall the events of 2017, Kevin was unfaithful to ano with Montia Sabic while she was eight months pregnant with their first child. During that time, he addressed the subsequent extortion attempts and how his wife held him accountable. “I just, you know, it’s when you… when you realize you’re in the wrong and there are no excuses for your behavior… ultimately, I need to improve. However, I refuse to let someone profit financially from my mistakes.” In this specific situation, that’s what was attempted. “I’d rather own up to my errors.”
Kevin went above and beyond to express his remorse to ano, offering numerous apologies in various interviews. One notable instance was his appearance on The Breakfast Club, where he openly acknowledged his wrongdoing, stating, ‘It’s… it’s beyond irresponsible. Okay, you want to get to it, Charlamagne? I’m going to let you get what you want now.’ He didn’t shy away from addressing the issue directly, recognizing it as a pivotal moment of poor judgment. Reflecting on his actions, Kevin admitted, ‘That’s Kevin Harden, this dumbest moment. That’s not the finest hour of my life.’
Additionally, Kevin took a bold step by appearing in J Cole’s music video for ‘Kevin’s Heart,’ portraying himself amidst the scandal and fully accepting accountability for his infidelity. The video artfully captures Kevin’s day, marked by reactions ranging from disgust to attempts at seduction by women encountered in various public settings. Ultimately, the video concludes with Kevin seeking solace in a bathroom, where he overhears a reassuring message from a fellow patron: ‘Nobody’s perfect and you’re only human. Learn from it, man. Learn from it.’
Here’s the gist: Was Kevin truly remorseful for cheating, or just regretful for getting caught? See, Kevin’s apologies date back to 2017, yet it seems his infidelity persisted, as his assistant spilled details from as late as 2020. She was onto him, realizing the truth when the parking attendant and security guard tipped her off about Kevin sneaking women into his office. Among them, there was a prominent “side chick” – a flight attendant who had been on Kevin’s flights. Curiously, despite others being involved, everyone in the office seemed aware of her prominent status.

“So, Maisha really came through for her friend and Ni. She managed to track down the girl, Connor Morgan, and promptly messaged Ni, attaching some photos of her. But wait, there’s more drama to this story. Remember when Kevin was caught bringing different women to the office? Well, Maisha spilled even more tea. Turns out, she once stumbled upon Kevin cheating with an employee right there in the office. She recounted the incident, saying, ‘I walked in one day, not sure if anything was going on, but there was someone in his office. I was just heading to mine because someone was supposed to be putting a TV on my wall. Anyway, I walked right back out because whatever was happening in there, I knew it wasn’t good. I didn’t actually see anything, but I could hear noises.’ Pretty scandalous, huh?”
You know, given all the infidelity going on, it’s inevitable that someone might end up pregnant, right? Well, Maisha claimed that Kevin Hart might have actually fathered a child with someone else. It’s entirely possible that there are offspring out there carrying Kevin’s DNA. But the revelations didn’t stop there, as Maisha also disclosed that Kevin Hart struggles with a serious gambling addiction, particularly favoring poker. According to her, things got so dire at one point that Kevin blew through his entire paycheck and had to issue half-pay to his employees. “Does Kevin have a gambling problem?” “Kevin definitely has a gambling problem.” “How serious is it?” “It’s pretty serious. He’s spending at least three days a week at the tables, playing high-stakes poker.”
Remember that scandal back in 2017? Back then, there were reports alleging that Kevin Hart’s ex-friend, Jonathan Todd Jackson, planted a camera in the room where the cheating incident occurred. He was accused of this act in an attempt to extort Kevin. But here’s the twist: JT claimed it was all a setup and denied any extortion, even throwing in some details about Kevin supposedly paying someone $4 million to take the fall for a DUI. It was all quite messy. Kevin wasn’t having any of it and fought back by filing a lawsuit against both Tasha K and his former assistant for civil extortion and invasion of privacy, essentially disclosing private information publicly. He also sued Maisha for breaching contract and defamation, and Tasha for intentionally interfering with contractual relations.

The legal complaint alleges that in November, an individual associated with Tasha contacted a representative of Kevin Hart, claiming to possess a damaging interview. It’s stated that unless Kevin paid $250,000, Tasha would publish this interview. Kevin then reportedly engaged law enforcement and issued a cease and desist order to Tasha K, urging her not to release the interview. The complaint also references a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) between Kevin and his assistant, highlighting that publishing the interview would breach this agreement and constitute deliberate interference with contractual obligations.
Apart from breaching the NDA, Kevin’s complaint asserts that the interview contained false and defamatory remarks about him and certain legal disputes he was involved in. Furthermore, it’s alleged that Kevin’s assistant made untrue statements, including claims about Kevin recording an encounter and facing criminal charges related to that incident.
During her conversation with Tasha, Maisha acknowledged having signed two agreements with Kevin Hart. She asserted that her non-disclosure agreement (NDA) contained unspecified gaps, permitting her to discuss her former employer. However, Kevin Hart’s lawsuit contends that there were no such exemptions allowing her to divulge his personal life. He maintains that she will face the consequences for breaching her commitments. This scandal sparked widespread discussion, with some questioning the integrity of personal assistants. Conversely, many were more focused on Ano, with the prevailing belief that she is aware of his infidelity but chooses to stay, having once been a mistress herself.
For those who remember, there was quite a scandal involving ano when Kevin’s ex-wife, Tori, alleged that Kevin had been unfaithful with ano during their marriage. This suspicion was sparked by an Instagram post from ano in 2017, claiming an 8-year relationship with Kevin, despite him being divorced for only 6 years at the time. Now, the question arises: Is history repeating itself with Kevin and ano? Is it just karma at play? It’s hard to say. However, amidst the scandal hitting the headlines, ano shared a cryptic message on her Instagram story: “The level of IDGF I reached this year is crazy.” It’s unclear whether this signifies her indifference to Kevin’s infidelity or her readiness to move on from the relationship. What are your thoughts? Do you believe ano might leave Kevin due to the cheating allegations, or is she knowingly choosing to stay? Feel free to share your opinions, and while you’re at it, don’t forget to comment on Kevin’s lawsuits against both Tasha K and his former assistant for divulging sensitive information.