I keep waiting for that house to fall on her, and then we can do the “Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch is dead,” you know? So, Jaguar hit back with allegations that Erykah Badu is, in fact, a witch. This time, she’s dropping even more receipts. Jag basically suggested that Erykah may have been involved in Daniel Jones’s death, and there was some sort of blood sacrifice involved.
I have a recent post that I just put up, and then somebody was talking about, “Oh, so now you’re saying that Daniel Jones…” We’re going to see what the family says about that. They were in my comments, trying to make it seem like I’m inflaming what happened to Daniel Jones’s life in some way, like I’m trying to make it out to be more than what it is. The only person that would make that kind of statement would be somebody affiliated with Erykah Badu. I mean, Daniel Jones did die on the road with her.
For those of you who just need a bit of background, Daniel Jones was a music director who passed away suddenly at the age of 41. Throughout his career, he collaborated with countless stars, including Justin Timberlake, Mary J. Blige, Janet Jackson, Beyoncé, and Erykah Badu. Unfortunately, he died last year, and the news of his death was confirmed by his wife, Bret, on Facebook, where she wrote:
“I am speechless. I am heartbroken. I am lost. My husband Daniel Jones, my best friend, my headache, my confidant. I truly do not understand. I know God doesn’t make mistakes, but why? To everyone who has called, texted, messaged, etc., thank you so much. I’ve seen them all. Please just give me a little time. I just don’t have the energy right now. I miss him so much already. I don’t know what to do. I can’t believe I am typing this. RIP Daniel Jones, my one true love.”
Since the cause of death was unknown, she also added, “Please do not speculate or rumor about what happened because we don’t have all the answers as of yet. Thank you.”
Well, as much as Daniel’s wife said that people should not speculate, the fact that the cause of death was never made public has led people to come up with all sorts of assumptions, mostly that he OD’d. According to Jaguar, there was a blood sacrifice involved, performed by none other than Erykah Badu—allegedly.
The first thing that Jaguar noted was that when Daniel Jones died, he was with Erykah Badu. She did say that she cannot claim that Daniel was her friend, but they were colleagues, and she knows a lot about what happened to him. Something that Jaguar said was that his death may have been a result of taking drugs that were not clean. According to Jaguar, everyone else who was with Daniel when he allegedly OD’d got clean stuff, except for him, and she blames that on Erykah Badu.
“Daniel Jones wasn’t the only one doing drugs in that band. Everybody else got clean except for him, and I’m saying that’s on you, Erykah.”

Jaguar also said that as much as she wasn’t that close to Daniel, he was pretty close to her brother, so she knew exactly what she was talking about. According to her, there was no way Daniel would have just OD’d out of nowhere. Why? Why would he just OD out of nowhere? He had so much to live for—newlywed, beautiful children, great house. When he was home, he would still musical direct at the church. It took a year just to get together to do his memorial service right around the corner from here.
Basically, Jag was trying to insinuate that Erykah sacrificed Daniel Jones, and she made it clear that she blames her for whatever happened to him. In fact, she sent a stern warning to Erykah, telling her that she better stop sending people to her comments to talk trash because she knows when a comment from someone affiliated with Erykah comes through. While at it, she also made sure to remind people that she still believes that Erykah Badu is a witch.
In fact, according to Jaguar, one of the indicators that Erykah is a witch is that she’s rarely outside. She said that you could search for an eternity for a photo of Erykah outside enjoying her neighborhood, and you will never find one because witches just prefer being inside, alone, and in the dark.
“I was over at White Rock just last night with my man. I took him over there, and I said, ‘Isn’t this lovely? Very nice over there. Never outside. Find me one picture in Dallas of Erykah in her lovely neighborhood, honey.’”
Anyone who knows Jaguar knows that this is not the first time she’s talked about Erykah Badu and her black magic. There was a time, not so long ago, where she was talking about Erykah keeping the placentas of the babies as some sort of ritual. The thing is, Erykah became a certified doula in 2011 and revealed that she was studying to be a midwife back in 2015. Since then, she has been helping women in their deliveries. When she was asked how she even started becoming a doula, Erykah said, “It just kind of happens. I don’t plan how many people I work with. I don’t charge anything; it’s for my own learning, and I just enjoy being the welcoming committee. I became a doula by default.”
But if you ask Jaguar, she will tell you that the certification was just a way to cover up the things Erykah does in the name of being a doula. Jag then revealed that Summer Walker’s management team allowed the most ridiculous thing to happen to her, including sending Summer to Erykah Badu. While with Erykah, she allegedly cast spells on Summer, chanted about graves, and kept the placentas of her babies.
“Summer Walker has been being handled for years. She was a part of her management team. They allowed all kinds of things, and they sent her down there to Erykah Badu’s house to be cast spells on, singing about graves, letting that woman give birth to her babies, and keeping all of that placenta. Oh, she kept the placenta—that’s what she does, you know.”
Jag also said that Erykah didn’t just keep the placentas of Summer’s babies; she kept the placentas of all the babies she has delivered, including the placenta of Teyana Taylor’s baby.
“Ain’t nobody ever thought, ain’t nobody ever asked what she does with all them umbilical cords and all that placenta from birthing Teyana Taylor’s babies. Oh, Illuminati babies. Summer Walker’s babies. Oh, Illuminati babies. It’s a damn shame to let her get around them. They ain’t been right ever since.”
Jaguar may have said a lot of things, but it’s not just Jaguar who has said that Erykah is, in fact, a witch. Over the years, fans have also pointed out how Erykah just does some pretty weird things. For example, there’s this one instance:
“Hello and welcome to the Badu bedroom. I don’t like a lot of things in the place, but there are a few things that I have to have. Number one, my bells. As soon as I wake up in the morning, I put these on. I love things that make music, especially when you walk or dance, and I can also use them when I’m recording.”
There’s also this one where she was talking about energies, frequencies, and how she loves using her wand.

“There are different ways that I meditate; in this case, sonically. This is a specially crafted, double-ended, giant tuning fork that I really love. And this is how it sounds.”
She then demonstrated the sound of the tuning fork.
“This is a spinning sphere. It expands the vibration because it spins. I also like to use my own wand. Beautiful instrument, very low frequency, good for the lower chakras—the lower nature, creative energy, tribal energy. I got this at my third ayahuasca ceremony. It was a gift. May the force be with you.”
In another instance in 2016, Erykah posted a fun promotional video…
Video of her getting psyched for the 2016 Soul Train Music Awards, and one of her followers on Facebook wrote a comment after watching the video: “I’ve always enjoyed her music and eccentric style, but that’s a witch hat, and any other celeb who wears it does to service that purpose. Pling as day, can’t be down with that aspect.” Erica was actually the first one to reply to the comment, and she wrote, “I’m a witch.”
In addition, men who’ve dated Erica in the past have also said that there’s something about her. And while none of them have openly said anything specific, there has always been a conspiracy theory that she gives them some sort of passion fruit. While I cannot confirm if there’s something she gives people, I know that they have said that there’s just something about her.
Common is actually one person who talked about the “Badu Box” when he said in a 2014 interview, “Yeah, the Badu Box is real. It can take you to another universe. But seriously, that’s when you meet somebody that’s real special, and you’re like, man, this woman got—she got something else, man. It ain’t just the looks. It’s like something that’s kind of, like, spirit-wise, where you’re like, this woman got something else for me.”
The relationship that just didn’t make sense was the one with Carl Jones, who she met sometime around 2014 when Erica was asked to do a voiceover for Black Dynamite. At the time when they met, Carl was married, and his wife was reportedly right by his side when Erica was completing the voiceover project, but he still fell head over heels for Erica. In fact, in 2015, Carl couldn’t stop tweeting about Erica, and he shared countless selfies of Erica and proclaimed his love for her. A source even said that their alleged affair reportedly led to the end of Carl’s marriage. It was like he was bewitched, y’all.
But then there was also the relationship with Andre 3000. After they broke up, Andre was never the same. He even talked about the shift in his life in his cover interview with GQ in 2017, and he said that he was diagnosed with social anxiety that started right before Speakerboxx/The Love Below took off. Andre had moved to California and thought he was maybe just in need of a break, but apparently, the problem got worse and worse until it started to bleed into his personal life. He said that if it were up to him, he would ask God to take everything away so that he could just feel normal.
Even Glasses Malone also once gave a story of how he was crazily attracted to Erica when he first saw her, and just before he was about to approach her, Birdman told him to calm down and not approach her because she is straight up a witch. “And I see Erica Badu, man, and when I tell you Erica Badu was thick as—you know, respect to Doc, DLC, and Andre, but man, Erica Badu, the thickest. This before the video came out with [and] all that. You really know Erica Badu was this thick. She thick. I’m like, damn, thick. So I’m like, ‘I’m fa bust her, I’m fa get her,’ feel me? Like, I’m me, like Doc had her, Andre had her, I for sure could have her, like, you know what I mean? This grip. So I’m get up—I’m tell the Perman, I’m like, ‘Man, look how thick Erica Badu, like yeah, she thick, she cold.’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, I’m fa go get her.’ So I start to get up, grab my shoulder. He like, ‘Hey man, don’t do that.’ Like, ‘Why not? You don’t think I could have her? Sound crazy? I could get her.’ I got up, he’s like, ‘Nah,’ and grabbed me again. He’s like, ‘Man, she like a witch or something, man. She on.’ And I remember looking like, ‘Man, you trippin.’ I’m laughing, ‘You crazy.’ I looked in his face, and it did not look like it was no joke.”

Also, before I forget, do y’all remember when Erica dropped a fragrance that she made to smell like her private parts in 2020? It sold out on her online shopping store within minutes of its availability. While explaining why she came up with the product that literally represented her essence, Erica told BET, “First of all, I’m Erica Badu. Secondly, in this industry, it’s a legend that my box changes people. It changes their influences, their religion, their politics, and everything else. So that’s why I decided to do it. I feel like everybody deserves it.” Erica also told 10 Magazine about the ingredients she used for the fragrance, saying, “I took lots of pairs of my panties, cut them up into little pieces, and burned them. Even the ash is part of it.”
Well, you guys can tell me what you think about that. There have also been other things, like in April 2014, Erica was slammed by the U.S.-based Human Rights Foundation for performing at the birthday celebration of King Mswati III, somebody who was credited as Africa’s last absolute monarch who ruled in luxury in a country infamous for its poverty and spiraling HIV rates. Erica even presented King Mswati with a $100 bill and a good luck stone.
She was also charged with disorderly conduct for appearing nude in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, while filming the social-political performance art self-directed music video for her single “Window Seat.” In addition, in February 2012, Erica Badu’s concert was also canceled in Malaysia because it was found that she had applied a temporary tattoo of the word “Allah” on a part of her body.
I don’t know. It’s like she enjoys all these controversies that make people say she’s a witch, or maybe she actually is one. So when Jag is talking about how Erica allegedly had something to do with Daniel Jones’s death, she’s not coming out of nowhere. But do you actually believe what Jag is saying? Do you also find it a bit suspicious that the last person Daniel was with before he died was Erica Badu? I can’t wait to know what you think, so drop those thoughts down below.