Speaking of Biggie, I’ve heard this rumor for a while now, and I’m not sure if it’s true, but maybe you know more about it. Is it really true that the main woman in the “Big Poppa” video was a trans woman?
Yeah, that’s the one. I’ve heard the same thing—that she was a trans woman. Apparently, a lot of people are talking about it, and it’s making everyone revisit the “Big Poppa” video like it just dropped. Honestly, after hearing this rumor, I can’t listen to the song the same way anymore.
Wait, are you telling me the love interest in the video was trans? Wow. With everything I’ve heard about Biggie, this just adds another layer to the mystery. I don’t even know why I started digging into this whole Biggie and trans rumor, but the stuff I found was pretty wild. If you want to know what’s really going on, keep watching because it gets even crazier.
Oh, and what about the rumors around Tupac? I’ve been hearing he might’ve been bi during his time in prison. Some folks are saying he wasn’t really living his truth. And honestly, if you’re not living authentically, it’s bound to catch up with you. You can’t run from who you really are. People are even speculating that Tupac was just playing the role of a gangster and womanizer, but deep down, he was something else entirely.
“You know, I’ve always felt that if you can’t respect yourself, it’s impossible to respect your race. And if you can’t respect your race, how can you respect someone else’s? It’s all connected. Respect is everything, just like my mom always said. That’s why we’re restarting the Black Panthers here in Marin City. First, we’ll focus on teaching pride, then education, and we’ll see what happens after that.”
Now here we are in 2024, and y’all are still keeping the gossip alive. Honestly, I’m all for it! Let’s get into it, starting with those wild rumors about Biggie. If you’ve been around for any amount of time, you’ve probably heard the talk that Biggie was into trans women. Some people even say that he used to roll to DC with Diddy, and they’d both be with the same trans women. Just rumors though, okay? Don’t come for me!

But there’s also a whole bunch of folks who are convinced Biggie might’ve been bi. You want to hear something funny? I lost $200 betting on this the other day. Yup, $200! Wanna know why? Because I was sure Biggie wasn’t bisexual. I was so confident. But then they hit me with like four or five of his tracks where Biggie supposedly said some questionable stuff. Yeah, I took the L on that one.
As for the rumors about him being into trans women, people often point to his music videos. Take “Big Poppa” for example—there are two trans women in that video, and one of them, Shema, actually shows up in a few other Biggie videos too. She was in the “Warning” video and even in the remix for “Flava in Ya Ear” behind LL Cool J, who has his own set of rumors swirling around him.
Listen, I already know what y’all are thinking: “Rappers don’t pick the dancers for their videos and probably didn’t have a clue who was who.” And yeah, that’s true in most cases. But with someone like Shema, who wasn’t just in a couple of Biggie’s videos but also appeared in other Bad Boy Records projects, they had to know. Plus, in the “Big Poppa” video, there’s a scene where one of the trans women is at the urinal with the guys, which makes it clear they either knew or included that part on purpose—and that doesn’t make much sense to me.
Then there’s the “Flava in Ya Ear” video, where Shema is shown right after LL Cool J yells “he-she.” You can’t convince me that the people casting didn’t know what they were doing.
Honestly, Biggie probably knew too. And here’s where things split: either he was way ahead of his time and didn’t care that some of the women were trans, or he was into trans women like people have been speculating for years.
Now, let me be clear—I’m not here to judge anyone. People can be with whoever they want, and that’s their choice. What really gets me thinking is what happened to Shema because, apparently, she was murdered. I don’t know if it had anything to do with her ties to rappers like Biggie, but I’ve seen talk online that her boyfriend was involved. Do you think her connection to Biggie and others had anything to do with it?
And speaking of Biggie, there’s been some talk about how he might have been bisexual. A lot of that comes from things people have noticed in his lyrics. For example, DJ Akademiks pointed out the line, “You look so good, I wanna suck on your daddy’s d—.” That’s actually a line from Richard Pryor, who Biggie was quoting.
But here’s the thing—Richard Pryor was openly bisexual. So it’s like, okay, Biggie was quoting a man who had relationships with both men and women. Does that mean Biggie was into men too? I don’t know, but it’s a conversation people have been having for a while. And even if Biggie was, does it really matter?
DJ Akademiks also suggested that Biggie’s proximity to people like Diddy and Mr. Cee might mean something. Mr. Cee, who helped discover Biggie, has been open about his relationships with men. So, some people are connecting dots there, but that doesn’t mean anything for sure.
At the end of the day, we’ll never really know the full story. But even if Biggie was bisexual, it wouldn’t change the mark he left on hip-hop. It just adds another layer to his legacy.
There’s been some ongoing speculation about different celebrities, and one name that always seems to pop up in these conversations is Diddy, or Puffy as he used to be called. People have their guesses, but nothing’s really been confirmed when it comes to his personal life.

Now, remember Mr. Cee? A few years back, he made headlines for being involved with transgender women, and after all the media attention, he ended up resigning from his position at Hot 97. He had actually pled guilty to public lewdness and exposure after being caught in some compromising situations, including soliciting intimacy from an undercover cop. It caused quite a stir.
When the allegations resurfaced later, people started telling him to just come out and address it. Eventually, he did, in an interview with GQ. He opened up about why he hid the truth and how he believed his old friend Biggie Smalls would have stood by him no matter what. He explained that after a while, his actions had just become a part of him, almost like a routine, even though he was scared of getting caught.
He admitted that when he was first caught, he felt like his life was over—he described it as being “dead in the casket.” When asked why he kept denying it, he said it wasn’t really about the job, but more about how people would see him and whether they’d still support him and his brand.
When they asked him if he was gay, he straight-up said, “Absolutely not.” He clarified that he was only involved with transgender women for a specific reason, not because he was attracted to men. He also said he never had sex with a man or a transgender woman. And when it came to Biggie, he was confident that if Big were alive, he’d be right by his side, no questions asked. Biggie, according to Cee, was one of the most loving people he’d ever known.
Switching gears to Tupac Shakur, he also faced his own set of rumors during his lifetime. There was a case where a woman accused him of something inappropriate after they had met in a club. Tupac always denied the allegations, and it was clear how much it hurt him, especially considering he grew up surrounded by women.
There were even rumors spread by Wendy Williams in 1995 that Tupac had been sexually assaulted while in prison. Those claims really bothered him. He spoke out about it, saying that it disrespected him, his family, and everything he stood for. Even though Tupac denied it, the rumors stuck around, and some people kept using them against him in diss tracks and blogs.
And it didn’t stop there. There were even speculations that Tupac had relationships with men while he was in prison. But Tupac never said anything publicly to suggest he wasn’t straight. He had plenty of relationships with women, was married at one point, and was even engaged. Still, some people insisted his tough, womanizing persona was all for show.
In fact, many point to an old video of Tupac from when he was 17. In the video, he talked about the values his mother taught him: respect, knowledge, and always speaking his mind. He also mentioned how he’d just quit his job to pursue acting because, in his words, it was more important than serving pizza.
Most of the reactions to the resurfaced video were pretty much the same, with many people now saying they believed Tupac was gay. In the video, you can see Tupac acting in a way some would describe as “soft,” very different from the persona he adopted later when he started rapping. A lot of people are now claiming that the 17-year-old Tupac in the video was the real Tupac. Comments like, “People are still in denial and think he was some tough, masculine thug,” “He got his right ear pierced, if you were a ‘90s kid, you know what that means,” “Dude was gay,” and “Those hands don’t lie,” flooded the comments section.
Some people pointed out, “Tupac wasn’t a gangster, he was just a great actor who gave the audience what they wanted to see. It’s sad that he felt like he had to be someone he wasn’t, and he ended up paying the price as if he was about that life.” Others added, “Before pronouns and rainbow flags were mainstream, having your right ear pierced was the biggest sign.”

Interestingly, it came out that Tupac studied theater at the Baltimore School for the Arts, where he even learned ballet, which gave him the skills to play any character. And if you ask around, many will tell you that he played that thug character perfectly. Plus, the fact that he also did ballet is what makes a lot of people see where this theory is coming from. Some say that the only reason people refuse to believe it is because it’s Tupac. If it were anyone else with those same mannerisms and who danced ballet, they’d have no doubt about him being gay.
On top of all this, Kefi D chimed in with his opinion, saying he thought Tupac and Diddy were a couple at one point. He said, “Yeah, that was some weird stuff going on, you know? What was Tupac even doing at the party? He and Puff were there together. They were always together, like a couple, if you ask me. It was just a lot of weird vibes. That’s why I’m surprised they’re still even out and about. They were like road dogs, you know? There’s even a picture of them together, Tupac in that blue sweater with the turtleneck, and he and Puff are hugged up wearing black hats. You’ve seen that picture, right? Yeah, yeah, that one. They were at the party that night. It was just… strange.”
I know some people might say all this doesn’t add up, especially when you think about what Tupac once said about Quincy Jones. There was an old interview where Tupac claimed Quincy made an inappropriate request, supposedly asking if he could “get intimate” in a way Tupac wasn’t comfortable with. But if you try to find that audio now, it’s nowhere to be found. According to Tupac, he made it clear to Quincy that he wasn’t “into that.” So, was Tupac just acting when he said that?
Honestly, I don’t care how anyone chooses to identify, but if Tupac was being forced to be someone he wasn’t, that’s a different conversation. Sadly, we’ll probably never know the full story since Tupac isn’t around to clear things up, just like we’ll never know the truth about what really happened with Biggie. Still, I’m curious—what do you think about these claims that Pac might’ve been gay or bi, and even Biggie too? Share your thoughts in the comments, I’d love to hear them!