Tiffany’s enduring infatuation with Common seems to be intensifying, especially now that it’s official he’s chosen to settle down with Jennifer Hudson. Reports suggest that Tiffany’s feelings are even more apparent. It’s been confirmed that Jennifer Hudson and Common are indeed an item, as they openly acknowledged on J Hud’s talk show. The signs were there, especially when he showed up with a bouquet for J Hud, but it was his heartfelt words that truly revealed his deep affection. As a host, it’s my duty to ask the question on everyone’s mind: Are you in a relationship?
“Anyone? Well, yes, I am. I’m in a relationship with one of the most remarkable people I’ve ever met. She’s intelligent, deeply spiritual, and wonderfully down-to-earth. Oh, and did I mention talented? I set the bar pretty high; she had to win an Oscar with her first film and host her own talk show. Oh, I must admit, listening to Common talk about J Hud has me blushing. There’s something truly beautiful about a man who can express himself openly and honestly.”

“But guess who was tapping away while watching Common pour his heart out about J Hud? Tiffany Haddish, that’s who. According to insiders, Tiffany is still very much fixated on Common and is not pleased about him moving on with J Hud while she’s still grappling with her feelings. Just in case you need a reminder, Tiffany and Common crossed paths while filming ‘The Kitchen’ in 2019, and they seemed genuinely happy together. Tiffany even went so far as to say that her relationship with Common was the best she’d ever experienced and joked that if he ever proposed, she’d want him to do it with an entire apartment building.”
Regrettably, just as she was anticipating a proposal, Common chose to exit the relationship, ending things with Tiffany. Citing their hectic schedules, Common claimed their split was a mutual decision. He expressed a sentiment of understanding, emphasizing that the best course for them to maintain love and support was to step away from romance, avoiding half-hearted commitment. However, Tiffany later confessed feeling blindsided by Common’s statements, expressing hurt over his words to Jason Lee.
Tiffany revealed feeling content with Common, while he believed their relationship had reached its natural conclusion. Notably, he began excluding her from significant events, a signal she failed to interpret as a sign of his growing detachment. Eventually, he initiated a phone call to end their nearly two-year journey together. In reflecting on the breakup, Tiffany admitted missing Common, albeit with an acceptance of new opportunities.

Though she acknowledges occasional pangs of longing, Tiffany remains composed about the split. Yet, she can’t help but continually reference Common, disputing the notion of mutual agreement. She fondly remembers their time together as the healthiest and most secure relationship she’s known.
She expressed that it wasn’t a mutual decision; rather, he seemed to assert, ‘I believe this relationship has reached its end,’ while I simply nodded, thinking, ‘You’ll probably end up a single man at fifty.’ Furthermore, she hinted at feeling abandoned by Common, remarking, ‘I tend to see the positive side of things and embrace experiences. While I’d cherish having a partner, I’ve grown accustomed to solitude and expecting abandonment, which is disheartening.’
According to Tiffany, Common might be someone who never settles down, akin to a bee flitting from flower to flower. However, judging by Common’s actions and statements regarding Jennifer Hudson, it seems he’s chosen to commit. Those close to Tiffany reveal she’s deeply affected by this. Another source of concern for Tiffany is Common’s recent revelation about being open to marriage.
In Common’s own words, ‘Am I the marrying type? Could this be the one?’ This signifies a shift in him, a newfound openness to commitment. He acknowledges personal growth, realizing he possesses the capacity for marriage and is open to it when the time feels right. He trusts in divine timing, guided by a sense of spiritual discernment. He believes that when the moment is right, he’ll know, and he’s willing to communicate openly with his partner about it.
During Common’s appearance on Jennifer Hudson’s talk show, he cleverly redirected a question about his dating life to Jennifer, prompting speculation that Tiffany, his ex, might have felt a sting from his nonchalant response. Jennifer, glowing with contentment in her own relationship, shared her joy, to which Common added, “Seeing her happy brings me joy too; I’m just grateful and letting God guide this relationship.”

Tiffany had expressed her desire to start a family numerous times, including in interviews. In one instance, she mentioned her aspiration to foster children before adopting them. Despite being advised otherwise due to her status, she eagerly pursued parenting classes and had her heart set on adopting older children, aiming for those aged five and above. Her enthusiasm for adoption echoed in various interviews, where she humorously mentioned wanting a diverse “variety pack” of children, inspired by Josephine Baker. It seemed Tiffany’s serious commitment to Common hinted at hopes for a future together, possibly including a blended family.
Clearly, Common wasn’t on the same page as Tiffany. Now, he’s talking about being the type to settle down, which understandably frustrates Tiffany, keeping her fixated on him. She’s even posting about finding a real man during Jennifer and Common’s dating rumors. Let’s hope Common treats Jennifer right because, let’s face it, Common has been just that – common. He himself has admitted to being unwilling to work through issues in serious relationships, preferring the thrill of falling in love over commitment. His track record reflects this; his first known relationship with Kim Jones ended shortly after their daughter was born, with Common acknowledging his shortcomings in his memoir.
“He acknowledged that those emotions might have stemmed from complications surrounding his split with Kim. Following Kim, Common ventured into a tumultuous relationship with Erykah Badu, and then onto Taraji P. Henson. Serena Williams came next, succeeded by Angela Rye before Tiffany, actually. Besides Tiffany, Common has been linked with several other women, including Ava DuVernay, Jaguar Wright, and even Simone Dam, the widow of Chadwick Boseman.

Seemingly the Lori Harvey of straight men, one can only hope that his relationship with Jay HUD is healthy. Nevertheless, share your thoughts on Tiffany’s continued fixation on Common and her open criticism of Jennifer for dating her ex in the comments section below.”