If you thought the drama with the Braxton family was over, think again. Word on the street is that Tracy Braxton left her son, Kevin Jr., in charge of everything in her estate because she didn’t want her sisters involved. Apparently, she felt they were too greedy—and honestly, can you blame her? Now, some folks are saying the family is capitalizing on her death, and it’s all happening at Kevin Jr.’s expense.
Here’s what we know: Before Tracy passed, she made sure to have a will in place. In it, she gave clear instructions for her funeral and named Kevin Jr. as her personal representative. He was tasked with paying off her funeral expenses and any debts from her illness.
The documents show that Tracy wanted just one viewing and requested to be cremated. She specifically asked that her organizations, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, and the Order of the Eastern Star, not be involved. She also left decisions about her viewing attire and the guest list to Kevin Jr. and his father, Kevin Sr.
As for the estate, Kevin Jr. was named executor and will eventually take over managing Tracy’s brand and likeness. Kevin Sr. received some assets, including a few bank accounts, a diamond ring, and custody of Lauren Braxton’s remains. The rest of the estate—mainly real estate—was divided between Kevin Sr. and Kevin Jr., with Kevin Jr. getting the bulk of it.
But here’s where it gets messy. Rumor has it that Tracy changed her will to put her son in charge instead of her husband because she suspected Kevin Sr.’s infidelity led to her HPV diagnosis, which some believe contributed to her throat cancer. Whether or not that’s true, many think Tracy was intentional about leaving the majority of her estate to her son.
So, what about Tracy’s sisters? Why didn’t she leave them in charge of anything? Word is, Tracy didn’t trust them because they had always treated her poorly. Apparently, they’re now feeling a lot of guilt over how they acted toward her.
When Braxton Family Values first aired, it seemed like the sisters were almost getting to know Tracy along with the audience. There were also moments on the show where their treatment of her stood out—for all the wrong reasons. One example was when they visited her home and spent most of the time criticizing the food she had prepared for them.
A lot of people believe Tracy was treated like an outsider, so it makes sense that she didn’t leave her sisters in charge of anything. This dynamic might also explain why her son, Kevin Jr., seemed out of place when the family returned to TV.
For anyone who’s been following the Braxtons, Kevin Jr. has been through a lot. In the first episode of the season, he talked about how hard it was to lose his mom while also dealing with a divorce from his wife, Olivia Harron, after just a few years of marriage. He admitted that it was all a lot to handle.
In another scene, Trina mentioned to her husband, Von Scales, that Kevin Sr. and Kevin Jr. weren’t talking as much as she expected, given the grief they were both experiencing.

Then there was a moment when Kevin Jr. was on a video call with the sisters, and Tamar thought it looked like he was talking to the police. Not long after, Towanda came back from making a call and dropped a bombshell: someone had tipped off the police about a warrant for Kevin Jr.’s arrest. She even suggested it might have been someone close to him who set him up.
Later, in episode seven, Kevin Jr. opened up about how blindsided he felt by his divorce. He said he tried to fight for his family, but his ex-wife claimed he didn’t try hard enough.
Things took a serious turn after a grief counseling session. Kevin Jr. went on a lunch break, but when the production team went to check on him, they found him unresponsive. In a statement, the team described the incident:
“After Kevin’s grief counseling session, he took a break for lunch with the TV production team. When production hadn’t heard from Kevin in a while, they checked on him and found him unresponsive on the ground.”
The team mentioned that when Kevin woke up, they quickly searched for Towanda, who checked on him. Towanda later shared that Kevin’s wife, Olivia Harron, had told her that Kevin began having seizures after his mother’s passing.
To make things more complicated, a video emerged showing Tracy’s husband, Kevin Sr., and their son, Kevin Jr., in a heated argument. Kevin Sr. seemed to be scolding Kevin Jr., calling him a liar and blaming him for Tracy’s cancer. This exchange shed light on the ongoing tension between father and son, which many speculated had been building since Tracy left her son in charge of her estate.
Just recently, Kevin Sr. exposed the Braxton family for disrespecting him and taking advantage of Tracy’s death. It made us wonder: How close was Kevin Jr. to the Braxtons before Tracy got sick? Kevin Jr. had claimed that after Tracy passed, the Braxton sisters criticized him for making funeral arrangements, accusing him of not honoring Tracy’s wishes. He had planned a funeral service, with a viewing and Zoom links, which the family felt went against Tracy’s request for no funeral, wake, or immediate cremation.
Despite the family’s objections, Kevin Sr. went ahead with the funeral. While Tracy’s sisters and mother didn’t attend, her father did, though he was initially denied entry for not being on the guest list. An insider mentioned that Tracy’s father was so upset about this that someone from the church had to let him in, where he ended up sitting in the fourth row. He was also reportedly not allowed to say anything about his daughter.
Kevin Sr. responded, saying that Tracy’s father wasn’t denied entry and that the sisters and mother were invited but chose not to attend. He also clarified that Tracy’s father and brother briefly attended the funeral and were allowed to honor Tracy’s life. Kevin Sr. also criticized the sisters for portraying him as a bad husband in the media, stating that Tracy had actually wanted a viewing and a memorial service, which was planned with her management and others.

He said, “I was with my wife more than anyone in this world. I know her better than anyone. When she got cancer, we discussed funeral plans while I was still looking for treatments. I attended every one of her doctor’s appointments. That’s how we were. And now, they’re treating me like I wasn’t there for her.”
Before all of this, the Braxton sisters had already expressed discontent with Kevin, the one person who had stayed by Tracy’s side until the end. There was even an episode of their show where Tracy referred to Towanda as a “snake” because she felt Towanda’s boyfriend was pushing the sisters to resolve their issues in Napa Valley. At the time, comments were made about Kevin, with Tamar even criticizing his criminal record while he was simply trying to defend Tracy.
Towanda later responded to Tracy’s comments on social media, saying, “She’s mad because, unlike her, I have a real man,” referencing Tracy’s frustrations with Shawn’s involvement in the sisters’ issues.
While Kevin Sr. had already had strained relations with the family, it seemed odd that they were grieving without including Kevin—Tracy’s husband. Many people on social media felt it was disrespectful for the Braxtons to talk about Tracy without involving him. In response, Kevin Sr. went live on Instagram after the show aired, hinting at problems between him and the Braxtons. He spoke about how it took a “village” to help Kevin Jr. with his grief and mentioned that other people had been helping him through the process.
In a later interview, Kevin Sr. went into more detail about his relationship with the Braxtons, claiming that they didn’t like him from the start. He also said the sisters had pressured Tracy to leave the group and end her pregnancy. Additionally, he shared that Kevin Jr. was struggling with alcohol and having a hard time coping with the loss of his mother.
As for the alleged illegitimate child, Kevin Sr. explained, “I have a daughter. At that time, I used to work a lot, but when Tracy and the Braxtons started the show, I eased up on work to stay home with my family. My grandson, Z, from my daughter, spent a lot of time with me. Z and I would go to Starbucks together. One day, someone saw us and posted about it on Twitter.”
Senior went on to explain, “I guess that’s where the rumor started. My sister-in-law, TOA, worked with Tracy’s management team and the assistant manager. They came up with this story that I had an illegitimate child, and they aired it on the show. But the child they were talking about was actually my grandson. The funny part is, I told Tracy, ‘That’s how we ended up on Marriage Boot Camp.’ When you watch it, it looks one way at first, but it actually helped us work through some issues. It really strengthened our marriage, so I’m thankful for that.”
On one hand, it’s easy to see why Kevin Senior might look like the villain here. But on the other hand, some people believe the sisters are projecting their guilt over how they treated Tracy onto Senior. Now, they seem to be turning people against him by airing the struggles between Junior and Senior, even though Senior wasn’t given the chance to explain his side on the show.
There are also claims that, besides capitalizing on Tracy’s death, the sisters are using Kevin Jr. for money. They never included him in family events when Tracy was alive, but now they want him involved in everything. Maybe Tracy saw this coming and made sure not to leave them in charge of anything.
What do you think about the situation with Kevin Senior? Do you think they’re all just trying to make money off Tracy’s death? Do you believe they’re using Kevin Jr.? And why do you think Tracy didn’t leave any of them in charge? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!