Out of my deep respect for him, when he started coming at me, it really caught me off guard. I wasn’t sure how to respond or retaliate because that’s not the manner in which I wanted to engage with him. I didn’t desire to have that kind of exchange with him, given the respect I hold for him. But then there’s Wanda Smith, showing so much respect for Cat Williams by labeling him an inmate and poking fun at his appearance, clothing, and family? It’s like she’s playing the victim while dishing out insults left and right. Rumor has it, Wanda’s still reeling from the Cat Williams roast back in 2018. And let’s not forget, only one of us is maintaining our cool during this exchange. Cat’s not one to let her off the hook, especially after her husband’s overreaction to a joke. And if you thought Cat’s interview on Club Shay was the end of it, you’re mistaken. He made another fiery appearance on the latest episode of WIEE D Live shortly after his interview with Shannon Sharpe, and once again, it was intense. For most of the hour-long discussion, he delved into his childhood brilliance, his move to Miami as a teenager, and his journey to becoming a renowned comedian and actor. However, around the 50-minute mark, WIEE D prompted Williams to revisit his infamous clash with former V103 radio host Wanda Smith in 2018—the one that practically broke the internet. Cat made it clear that he never resorted to name-calling and maintained his composure throughout the ordeal. But even before that, Wanda veered off course when Cat was dissecting other top comedians during his Club Shay interview. He suggested that Wanda’s aim was to embarrass him.

We’re steering clear of any mention of your kids, avoiding discussions about jail, no cases on the table – none of that’s in the cards. But then, just like that, everything takes a sharp turn. You can’t pull a fast one on me just because you’re not as skilled a comedian. I’ll tear you down, and I won’t stoop to disrespecting you,” he revisited the incident on WIEE D. According to Cat, there was a setup waiting for him, but he was too big to fall for it. “When you try to ensnare something larger than your trap, it’s a whole different ball game. Picture setting a trap for a turtle and catching a rhinoceros instead. It changes everything.” Then, he recounted how Wanda pleaded with him to do the interview because he’d just won an Emmy. But when he arrived, the conversation had nothing to do with his award. She kept insisting, ‘Cat, come on, you just won an Emmy for the city. I just want to celebrate you.’ Yet, as soon as he entered the room, she skipped over the Emmy entirely, and you all know how that went down. But for old times’ sake, let’s revisit that moment. “My hair’s 19 inches long, and I haven’t used a perm.” “You don’t oops, that’s not a perm, no it’s not.” “Come on, run one of your gnarled fingers through it, dear.” The mention of gnarled fingers always gets me. That was Cat’s comeback after Wanda insinuated he’d permed his hair, and the roast only got hotter from there. Keep in mind, this roast came after Wanda grilled Cat on topics they’d agreed not to touch, like his legal issues and his children. If they’d already sworn off discussing the kids, why was Wanda poking into how he raises them, trying to make it seem like Cat’s a failure in the process? I’m just saying, she got what was coming to her. If you can’t keep your cool, don’t expect me to stay calm either.
Well, hey there, miss! If your cholesterol’s through the roof, hey, no biggie, right? I’m just Lil Mama’s baby daddy. Nah, not you, sweetheart. Sure thing, ma’am. And what about you, huh? Maybe best not to go there. Ah, but it’s all good. You’re a big deal on the airwaves. Cat had a quick comeback for Wanda’s jab about his past, reminding her of his 19 felonies with no convictions. And when he suggested she ditch her headphones and wig, she fired back, telling him to upgrade his wardrobe. Cat just laughed, showing off what he claimed was a piece from an unreleased Versace collection, then playfully teased Wanda about her attire. “Looks like I’m the one with the bling here,” he joked. “But hey, if anyone wants Wanda’s jewelry, just swing by Quick Trip. Buy two packs of Newport 100s, and you’ll get the whole ensemble for $7.99 plus a free car wash!” Man, note to self: never get on Cat Williams’ bad side. Ever. That roast had some steep cliffs, but looking back, I still can’t figure out why Wanda brought up her broccoli skills. Oh, and the background laughter? Classic. Just goes to show, your colleagues aren’t always your buddies, right? They’re just coworkers, plain and simple. Later, Wanda spilled the beans about the roast, revealing that Frank pushed her to bring Cat on air when they found him hanging out in the green room with Red Grant. Initially hesitant, Cat finally agreed to join the show, though Wanda sensed some tension. “Every question I asked, every comment I made, it felt like he was coming at me,” she recalled. Despite it all, Wanda made it clear she didn’t want to spar with Cat, respecting him too much for that.

You know, it seems like she was trying to shift the blame onto others, especially considering she initiated the whole thing. And while everyone else was enjoying the roast, guess who wasn’t? Wanda’s husband, Lamorris Sellers. He got so worked up that he brandished a gun at Cat and threatened him. Cat reported to the Gwinnett County Police that Lamorris had pointed the gun at him outside the Atlanta Comedy Theater. However, Lamorris claimed he only chased Cat into a nearby supermarket and the gun accidentally fell out of his waistband during the pursuit. But let’s be real, it looked like they had planned to jump Cat. The security footage clearly showed Wanda encouraging her husband to go after Cat, even smiling about it. While surveillance footage and Lamorris confirmed he had a gun, whether it was aimed at Cat remains uncertain. But seriously, why did Lamorris feel the need to escalate things? He’s way bigger than Cat, and the situation wasn’t dire enough to bring a gun into it. Cat didn’t pose any threat to Wanda, so confronting him was totally unnecessary. The only reason they weren’t arrested is because Cat refused to cooperate with the police later on. Otherwise, things could’ve gone differently.
Fast forward to January 2019, months after the incident, Wanda was let go from V103 Atlanta. The exact reason wasn’t disclosed publicly, but many speculated it had to do with her remarks about Lil Mama and her attempts to belittle Cat on the radio, especially in a city with a significant population of black gay men. Cat was clear on one thing: Wanda got axed because of her insinuations about his sexuality. “It’s a thin line. I got a call, but this lady is trying to embarrass me in front of a largely homosexual fan base. That’s why she got canceled. Gay people don’t take it kindly that you would, as a derogatory, call me gay. Gay people don’t feel like it is derogatory. So why are you trying to shame me with something in a community I don’t even belong in?”

Maybe Wanda was let go because of her remarks, or maybe it was something else entirely, but that roast still sticks in my mind. I wonder what Wanda’s up to these days; she’s been pretty quiet since then. What are your thoughts on how Cat took her down and her and her husband’s retaliation? Do you think she got fired because of the derogatory remarks she made? Share which part of the roast you found most hilarious in the comments section below