So, Kevin Hunter is trying to collect 23 months’ worth of spousal support payments from Wendy Williams, and honestly, a lot of people are just shaking their heads at this point. But wait, it gets even wilder—this guy is actually trying to overturn their divorce! Can you believe it? After everything, including having a whole side chick and even a baby, now he suddenly wants to be married again? It really feels like someone is scrambling financially. Spoiler alert: he is!
Kevin recently filed documents asking the court to toss out their settlement agreement. He claims that the judgment should be reconsidered because of fraud, misrepresentation, and misconduct. And get this—he got the bright idea that the court might actually take him seriously from Wendy’s best friend, Regina Shell.
Regina dropped an affidavit in a New Jersey court stating that Wendy had $55 million sitting in her Wells Fargo accounts back in 2022. In her statement, she mentioned that Wendy’s guardian, Sabrina Morsy, was court-appointed and had never even met Wendy before stepping in to control her life in 2022. Regina went as far as to say that Wendy’s situation is like Britney Spears’ but even worse because at least Britney’s dad was in charge; Wendy’s guardian isn’t even family!
Regina shared her deep concerns about Wendy’s situation, expressing that she simply can’t understand what’s really going on. In her view, Wendy should be surrounded by friends and family, not isolated and alone. During her time living with Wendy in July 2022, Regina learned about Wendy’s bank balance. She mentioned that Wendy had even thought about switching banks and had a meeting with Bank of America in December 2022. Regina was there for the whole presentation with the bank’s private banking team, who discussed various financial products that could benefit Wendy.
After the meeting, Regina, Wendy, and Wendy’s guardian, Sabrina, were all in the same car heading to a courthouse. Then, just a few days later, things took a dramatic turn. Wendy’s publicist claimed to have overheard a conversation in which Sabrina told Wendy that there was no money left in her account. When Regina expressed her worries, she felt that Wendy was being silenced because, based on her knowledge of her friend, Wendy would never just stay quiet like this.

“I want people to realize that Wendy is a real person, and this isn’t some sort of karma situation. This is her life. Talking is what made her famous, and I don’t believe she’d be this quiet unless someone was forcing her to be. I haven’t spoken to my friend, who used to call me five times a day, in over a year. She’s in a place where she can’t even reach a phone, and we all know Wendy has always had access to her phone. If she could, she’d be calling me. It just feels wrong. There’s something sinister about this. We’ve only heard vague statements that don’t sound like her at all. And why hasn’t anyone from her medical team stepped forward to discuss her dementia diagnosis?” Regina said, clearly upset.
Kevin recently dropped a bombshell in court, citing an affidavit that claims $48 million was secretly hidden during the divorce. Can you believe it? Regina never thought for a second that Kevin would twist her words to take a shot at Wendy. It’s almost like he’s saying, “Look, even Regina admitted she had millions before we split.” Talk about sneaky!
Just the other day, Kevin was back in court demanding access to all of Wendy’s financial records. In his court documents, he mentioned, “On December 8, 2022, I went to mediation with Wendy’s legal team and her New York court-appointed guardian, Sabrina Morsy. During that meeting, they agreed to share account statements and bank records, saying they had the court’s blessing to do so.”
But here’s where things get messy. Kevin claimed that despite those assurances from Wendy’s team, the promised bank records never showed up. By December 19, after not hearing anything from Wendy’s side, he decided to email the mediator. In his email, he expressed his frustrations about the lack of transparency and how he felt they were being dishonest during the mediation.
Kevin kept reaching out but got crickets from Wendy’s team regarding his request for her financial records. Finally, on February 8, 2023, he received a letter from Wendy’s counsel. The letter said the guardian would only provide bank statements for November and December 2022. Kevin argued that the offer to review those two months of statements came with a bunch of extra stipulations that they hadn’t discussed before. Plus, he found out he could only look at the documents in the mediator’s office.
This isn’t what we originally agreed upon; the plan was for all the records from the date of their divorce to be shared. Essentially, Kevin has reopened their divorce case in court after mediation didn’t lead to any results. He claims he was receiving payments from Wendy based on their marital settlement agreement, but those payments stopped suddenly in January 2022. This happened when Wendy’s bank, Wells Fargo, locked her out of her accounts and suggested a guardianship hearing.
Kevin’s argument is that the gap between when Wendy’s accounts were frozen and when he said she had no money left was just under a year. He thinks it doesn’t make sense that her money would disappear that quickly. He believes that Wells Fargo, not Wendy, stopped the payments to him that were supposed to continue according to their agreement, and the guardian just kept that halt going afterward.

From Kevin’s point of view, Wendy had enough money at the time of their divorce to pay him a lump sum, and he argues that she still had the means to do so even under the guardianship agreement. He’s been demanding to see all her financial records and wants the guardian to start paying him alimony again. Sabrina, Wendy’s guardian, responded by saying that Kevin’s payments would end if Wendy’s yearly income fell below double what it was as of February 1, 2020.
Sabrina pointed out that Wendy hadn’t hosted The Wendy Williams Show during its final season and that her full salary had stopped in October 2021. However, Kevin was still receiving his alimony. Sabrina argued that this situation meant Kevin had been unjustly enriched, having received $112,500 he shouldn’t have, since his monthly payment was $37,500. She wanted him to pay that amount back plus interest.
When this didn’t resolve the issue for Kevin, he went back to court again. In his documents, he stated, “I rely on the severance pay for my living expenses, and not having this income for 23 months has really affected me.” He also asked the court to make Wendy pay all severance payments that were due at the time of the ruling.
On top of that, Kevin wanted the court to enforce documents related to Wendy’s retirement plan. He asked the court to compel Wendy to sign the qualified domestic relations order for that plan or, alternatively, to appoint him as an attorney-in-fact to sign it for her. He added, “If the plaintiff does not sign the document within seven days of this court’s order, I wouldn’t have to file this motion if the plaintiff hadn’t stopped my severance payments and if she had signed the order for the retirement plan.”
Not long after, Kevin returned to court questioning whether Sabrina had the legal right to represent Wendy, since she became Wendy’s guardian two years after their divorce was finalized. He claimed in his filings, “Miss Morsy is an attorney in New York, not New Jersey, and while she says she’s been appointed as a guardian in New York, that doesn’t apply here because there’s no established guardianship in New Jersey.”
Kevin also asked the court to require Wendy to appear personally, stating, “The defendant further asks that the court order the plaintiff, Wendy Hunter, to appear before the court herself.” Given Wendy’s ongoing health struggles, do you think it was selfish of Kevin to demand that she attend the proceedings in person?
It looks like things just aren’t going Kevin’s way. He’s back in court again—this must be like the fifth time—trying to overturn his divorce. Seriously, Kevin, maybe it’s time to take a break and let it go! In the meantime, Wendy’s guardian, Sabrina Morsy, is stepping up to challenge Regina’s claims and Kevin’s assumptions about Wendy’s finances. She said, “I can’t speak to what Regina Shell thinks she saw or heard. It really doesn’t matter what a third party believes or reports.”

Sabrina made it clear that Kevin doesn’t really know if Wendy ever showed Regina her financial statements. She also pointed out that during the divorce, Kevin was completely informed and satisfied with how things were going. He had consulted professionals to understand his rights and the assets involved. Basically, she’s telling him to accept the outcome and stop wasting everyone’s time in court!
What do you all think? Is Kevin right to keep pursuing Wendy, or should he just move on and respect her journey toward healing? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!