There were plenty of unexpected revelations in the book, but one detail truly caught me off guard. I had to read it again to make sure I got it right. It’s about Jada Pinkett revealing that in 2016, she and Will decided to lead separate lives. It wasn’t a formal divorce, but it might as well have been. Can you believe it? It’s like, amidst all the chaos in the world, Jada chose this moment to drop such a bombshell. It’s got everyone’s attention, for sure. But deep down, are we really that surprised? We might say no, but we all kind of saw it coming, didn’t we? And if things are so strained between Jada and Will, why not just make it official? Well, there’s more to the story. Will’s not exactly blameless here. He’s not ready to let go, no matter what. They’ve been through 25 years of ups and downs, and it seems like they’re sticking it out, no matter what. “We ride together, we die together,” as they say.
Jada’s memoir “Worthy” is now available, offering readers an intimate glimpse into her personal life. Among the revelations is the disclosure that she and Will have actually been living separately since 2016. Addressing this bombshell on the Today Show, Jada clarified that while they hadn’t officially divorced, by 2016, they were both exhausted from their efforts to make things work. “I think we just weren’t ready yet, still trying to figure out how to be in partnership,” she shared. The couple struggled with how to navigate their relationship publicly while privately feeling disconnected. Essentially, they were legally married but not living as a typical husband and wife. Jada admitted she had considered divorce but couldn’t bring herself to do it, citing a promise she made to Will: “I vowed that divorce would never be an option for us. We vowed to work through any challenges, and I haven’t been able to break that promise.”

Jada had already conveyed the notion of an open marriage when she shared with HuffPost Live, “I’ve always told Will, you can do whatever you want, as long as you can look at yourself in the mirror and be okay because at the end of the day, Will is his own man. I’m here as his partner, but he is his own man. He has to decide who he wants to be, and that’s not for me to do for him or vice versa.” Similarly, in a 2021 interview with GQ, Will echoed this sentiment, expressing, “We have given each other trust and freedom with the belief that everybody has to find their own way and marriage for us can’t be a prison. And I don’t suggest our road for anybody, but the experiences, the freedoms that we’ve given one another, and the unconditional support to me is the highest definition of love.”
I’m sure many of you may have already realized this, but there was never an open marriage, in fact, there wasn’t any marriage at all. It was all a deception, a disgraceful fabrication. She deceived us all. Undoubtedly, there are myriad questions swirling in your minds, as they are in mine. Is this revelation merely a tactic to boost her book sales? After all, both Jada and Will had numerous opportunities to disclose this information, yet they chose to do so only now. Does this confirm the suspicions that Jada has ensnared Will in a web of deceit for years, or could it be the reverse? Perhaps Will has been the one ensnared by Jada in this tangled situation. Will’s aversion to divorce is well-known, viewing it as a personal failure following his previous marriage. He once expressed on the Ellen show, “Divorce simply isn’t an option. It’s as straightforward as that.” Similarly, in an interview with MTV News, he reiterated, “Divorcing Jada is not on the table. I made a solemn vow before God, ’till death do us part.'”
Well, there are essentially two potential outcomes: either we remain together until death do us part, or I meet my demise. It’s a messy predicament because it’s abundantly clear that the love between them as husband and wife has dissipated. Their marriage no longer fulfills them, yet they cling to each other. We’re poised to unravel the web of deceit and manipulation, starting with the validation of August Alsina’s claims.

Back in 2020, August Alsina alleged that he and Jada had engaged in an affair in 2016, asserting that Will was fully aware and consented. “He gave me his blessing, and I… I completely surrendered to that relationship for years, you know, and I genuinely harbor profound affection for her.” And if you recall, Jada attempted to discredit August’s narrative, portraying him as the fabricator. Turns out, August was speaking the truth all along, exposing falsehoods from both Will and Jada. Many noted Will’s distant demeanor during the “entanglement” discussion with Jada, suggesting that Jada might have manipulated him into those admissions. It’s now evident why Will insisted there had been no infidelity in their marriage; because, in truth, there hasn’t been much of a marriage for years. “You both have spoken openly about the infidelity in your marriage and how you handled it. That moment, never. There’s never been infidelity in our marriage, never. Jada and I communicate about everything, and we’ve never blindsided each other with anything, ever.” Initially, many dismissed his statements as detached from reality. However, it’s now apparent that their relationship has been lacking for quite some time.
Could there be more to the story than what meets the eye with Will and Jada Pinkett Smith? Speculations have been circulating, suggesting that their unconventional relationship might harbor deeper complexities. One such rumor suggests that apart from August Alsina, the couple might have been involved with other younger artists at their residence, especially considering their purported bisexuality and penchant for unconventional activities.
The conjecture doesn’t end there. Questions about the authenticity of their relationship have been raised, fueled by Jada’s candid revelations. In a video from 2018, she admitted to feeling pressured into marrying Will when she was pregnant, expressing ambivalence towards the institution of marriage. This admission has led some to ponder whether her feelings towards Will were ever genuine.
Further adding fuel to the speculation is Jada’s enduring connection with the late Tupac Shakur. Will himself confessed to feeling insecure about their bond, expressing jealousy and admitting to never engaging in a conversation with Tupac despite their proximity. The resurfacing of a letter penned by their daughter Willow, expressing a desire for Tupac’s return, only serves to deepen the intrigue surrounding their relationship dynamics.
The incident at the 2022 Oscars, where Will slapped Chris Rock, also raised eyebrows. Many speculated that Jada may have influenced Will’s actions, especially considering her seemingly nonchalant reaction captured in a viral video. Jada’s subsequent remarks about the incident in her book suggest a disconnect between their public and private personas, leaving readers to ponder the true nature of their relationship.
Additionally, Jada’s revelation about Chris Rock reaching out to her amid divorce rumors adds another layer of complexity. The inclusion of this detail in her book raises questions about Rock’s intentions and hints at potential underlying tensions.

Despite these revelations, it appears that Will and Jada are not on the brink of separation. Jada’s comments about them still “figuring it out” indicate a desire to navigate their relationship’s complexities. Will’s past aversion to divorce suggests a reluctance to admit defeat, further complicating the situation.
As speculation swirls and revelations continue to surface, one thing remains clear: the intricacies of Will and Jada’s relationship defy conventional understanding. Whether they are truly trapped in a loveless marriage or simply navigating uncharted territory remains open to interpretation.